I have great news for you. The woman who wrote our Weaving Well-being programme rang me yesterday and she has made a special home journal for you to use while the school is closed. Click here to take a look at it https://indd.adobe.com/view/5237deef-2311-469f-9e2d-b5ee89c2000f. Just take a look for now. The teachers are going to add it to their plans for you for after the Easter hols in case we are still closed. You won't need a printer so don't worry!
The last two days have been totally manic for me in my little office! I have been organising food packages for families, answering calls from the department of education and the emails just keep rolling in with different jobs to do! I wish I was back in school with all of you!
Ok ladies, I've got to get moving on these emails here!
Ms Greene