Make sure you continue to stay at a safe social distance and to wash your hands regularly!
We are looking forward to seeing you on Zoom later for a little catch up and a chat!
The Daily Well-Being Task is by Ms Cassidy today!. Click HERE to see it.
The Whole-School Activity today is a P.E. activity 💪 Ms Haughton has put up a fun activities for you to try! You'll be fit as a fiddle afterwards! Click HERE and scroll down to '10th June 2020, Ms Haughton P.E. Activity'. Enjoy it!
We are on the second week of our June Block 1 work pack. Find this week's Spellings and this week's Maths sheet by scrolling down the document. You can find the daily corrections for previous E.I.P. and Mental Maths work on this blog. If you have not already downloaded the June Block 1 work pack, you can click on the link below to download it now.
june_4th_class_block_1._docx.docx |
Have a lovely day,
Ms Smith 😊 & Ms Behan 😊
Answers E.I.P. Day 112-114.
You may need to click on an image to see the all the answers.
You may need to click on an image to see the all the answers.