A note from Ms Behan
Good morning girls!
Hope you're all doing well!
Did you watch Primetime on RTE One last night? Our school was featured for a few minutes, and they spoke about all the hard work Ms Greene and Ms Hickey are doing!
Have a great day, girls, and let me know of there's anything I can help with.
Miss you all!
Ms Behan
A note from Ms Smith
Hello! Happy Wednesday!
How are you doing today? I'm doing ok, missing my sister and my little niece a lot.
Eleanor (my niece) has gotten so cute and pudgy, she's getting really good at sitting up on her own and says "ah-woo!" when she sees me (I think that's her way of saying hello). All the social distancing and following the guidelines will be worth it when we all get through all this safely.
Yesterday I did my exercise in the morning and some yoga. I'm quite wobbly at it but I'm slowly getting better!
I watched Primetime last night to see our school and the boy's school, did you see it? Ms Hickey and Ms Greene were on it too! You can check it out on the RTÉ Player if you want.
What are you planning on doing today? Have you any news for me? Leave a comment below, even if it's just to say hi!
Missing gach duine,
Ms Smith
Lots of people have signed up to our Rolla each day! Thanks girls! Keep it up and we'll have a nice big list for Jackie!
Who is with us today?!
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