Good morning girls!
It was so fantastic to see you yesterday during our Zoom calls! Remember, if you couldn't join us this week, you'll have another chance to see your friends and teachers next week!
June Work Pack
When chatting to you yesterday, some of you said that you weren't sure where to find the work for June. So we'll give you some ways to find it:
It was so fantastic to see you yesterday during our Zoom calls! Remember, if you couldn't join us this week, you'll have another chance to see your friends and teachers next week!
June Work Pack
- For June, we have eased the workload for you to be doing at home.
- We would like you to do a smaller bit of English, Irish, Maths every day. (Scroll down through it to find spellings and the Maths work we are setting.)
- We would like you to continue your Daily Well-Being Task and P.E. every day.
- If you go to Ms Hanly/Ms Ferriter for English and Maths groups, their work is included in our work pack.
- Have a go at the daily Whole-School Activity, these are daily tasks in subjects like history, geography, science, music, drama, art and P.E. Ms O'Dea has a fabulous PE activity for you to try today! Click HERE and scroll down to 5th June to see it!
- Don't forget to have a look at the Daily Wellbeing Task here!
When chatting to you yesterday, some of you said that you weren't sure where to find the work for June. So we'll give you some ways to find it:
- Click HERE and scroll down to "Class work 2nd-12th June" and select 4th Class.
- OR download the file below.

june_block_1_template_4th_class.docx |
A Note from Ms Smith
Hello girls, how are you doing? ☀️
Good luck with the work today, what’s on your plan?
It was so nice to see you on our Zoom call yesterday, you've all gotten so grown up in the last few weeks! Starting to look like 5th class girls now, not 4th anymore! So cool! It was really nice to hear your news and have a chat. I know that that was the first time a lot of you had seen your pals since March! With all going well, we should be having another Zoom call next week so there's still time to get your consent forms in to Ms Durnin for that one!
You’ve made it to Friday too! Are you getting up to anything nice at the weekend?
As always if you need any help leave a comment below, even if it’s just to say hi. If you want to message me privately from a parent's email during school hours, my email is [email protected]
Have a good day,
Ms Smith 😊
A Note from Ms Behan
Good morning ladies!
It was so lovely to get to see so many of you yesterday! I know there were a few little problems with getting some videos and sound to work, but practice makes perfect and it''l get easier each time we do it!
I couldn't believe how fast the time went! Next time we'll have a bit more time to chat and catch up.
I really enjoyed talking to you on the phone as well! If you/your parents still haven't had a phone call from me it's because I rang your parent's phone and didn't get an answer. Please remind them to answer a call from a private number!
Try your best with today's work, and if you have any question, leave me a comment or send me an email! You can email me from a parent's email address at [email protected].
Have a wonderful Friday and a lovely weekend!
Ms Behan 😊
Hello girls, how are you doing? ☀️
Good luck with the work today, what’s on your plan?
It was so nice to see you on our Zoom call yesterday, you've all gotten so grown up in the last few weeks! Starting to look like 5th class girls now, not 4th anymore! So cool! It was really nice to hear your news and have a chat. I know that that was the first time a lot of you had seen your pals since March! With all going well, we should be having another Zoom call next week so there's still time to get your consent forms in to Ms Durnin for that one!
You’ve made it to Friday too! Are you getting up to anything nice at the weekend?
As always if you need any help leave a comment below, even if it’s just to say hi. If you want to message me privately from a parent's email during school hours, my email is [email protected]
Have a good day,
Ms Smith 😊
A Note from Ms Behan
Good morning ladies!
It was so lovely to get to see so many of you yesterday! I know there were a few little problems with getting some videos and sound to work, but practice makes perfect and it''l get easier each time we do it!
I couldn't believe how fast the time went! Next time we'll have a bit more time to chat and catch up.
I really enjoyed talking to you on the phone as well! If you/your parents still haven't had a phone call from me it's because I rang your parent's phone and didn't get an answer. Please remind them to answer a call from a private number!
Try your best with today's work, and if you have any question, leave me a comment or send me an email! You can email me from a parent's email address at [email protected].
Have a wonderful Friday and a lovely weekend!
Ms Behan 😊
Answers E.I.P. Day 101-105.
You may need to click on an image to see the all the answers.
Answers E.I.P. Day 101-105.
You may need to click on an image to see the all the answers.
Answers Mental Maths Week 23 Thursday, Problem Solving and Friday Review
You may need to click on an image to see the all the answers.
You may need to click on an image to see the all the answers.