Yesterday myself and Ms. Cassidy got started on calling your parents for a quick check in with your families. It was great to get a chance to speak to some of you girls too and hear about what you've been getting up to at home! Don't worry if you haven't received a call from us yet, you will be getting a call this week. Please remind your parents to keep an eye on their phones for a private number because that will be us calling. If we don't get you on the first try we will call again.
- Fill in the daily rolla. Write your full name in the box below and press submit (pink button). We need to keep that attendance up!
- Ms. Greene has two surveys for your family to fill out; one for you and one for your parents. Please fill them out if you haven't already. They are linked under her video post yesterday on her blog section.
- I had an email to say one or two of you couldn't access the padlet link. It hasn't changed from last weeks set of work, we've just been adding to it. I will repost the link but if you are having trouble please let us know in the comments.
Yesterday I spotted this segment on the news and we thought it would be a lovely activity for you girls to get involved with over the next few days, especially with the weather being so good ☀️ I'll link the video for you to watch below but basically all you do is paint/write a positive message on a stone/rock and leave it somewhere in your locality for some lucky individual(s) to find. My friend Caoimhe was out walking the other day and found two! She sent a picture into our whatsapp group and we all thought it was a gorgeous idea. If you get involved don't forget to send us a picture of your work by email, we would love to see it!