We are midway through the week and I thought I'd share this little quote with you I found yesterday...
"Don't let what you can't do, stop you from doing what you can do"
So if you're feeling a little upset or frustrated at the minute try to focus on the positives. Look at what you can do during this time instead of focusing on what you can't. Easier said than done I admit but give it a try today!
Every evening I like to make a little to-do list to keep me focused for the following day. I get a great feeling ticking off every task as I go and if I don't complete something I put it on my list for the following day. Put the smallest of tasks on it, like making your bed, logging onto the school website or eating your breakfast and that way you'll feel like you've accomplished a lot by the end of the day. It's a great way to stay motivated. Have a look at the weather forecast before you make it so you can include outdoor activities too!
We have had a great response to the roll call so far but we still haven't heard from everyone yet so if you are in contact with any of the other girls in the class please remind them to fill in their name every day. As Ms. Cassidy said please log in every day and make it a part of your daily work routine. We would love to see the 6th class girls winning the
Please comment below with your FULL name once you have read this and don't forget to click submit!
Remember, Jackie will announce the winner on Friday!