One of my very earliest memories is that of my grandmother pointing out and teaching me the names of the different birds in her back garden. She taught me how to identity the most common Irish birds. These are the robins, sparrows, blackbirds, thrushes, finches (green, gold, chaff and bull), tits (blue, great and coal), wagtails, magpies, pigeons, crows, starlings and wrens.
With all our outings cancelled for the foreseeable future why not take part in our 'Stay at Home Bird Watch Challenge'. This fun event takes place from the safety of your own home. This is an event in which all the family can take part in and is a great opportunity to look at the birds around you, brush up on your bird identification skills and maybe learn to identify new ones. Enjoy the birds that visit where you live and get to know the different species by their colours, size and habits.
Which bird will be the most frequent visitor to your garden?
Remember to tally your count and if you wish you can display your results on a bar chart.
Send us your results by this Friday (21st May) by emailing your 'Bird Watch Challenge' to
[email protected]
[email protected]
For more information about Irish birds visit:
Remember to sign in below email us if you have any questions or queries.
Padlet Link:
N.B Please check Ms. Greene's blog update for her 6th class plan update:
Have a great day,
Ms. Cassidy & Ms. Farrell