It is hard to believe that today is Thursday!? This week has passed by so quickly!
Thank you to the girls and parents who have filled in and completed Ms. Greene's survey. We really appreciate your valued input and feedback. You still have time to fill it in today, the link is under Ms. Greene's Tuesday post on her blog.
We have both enjoyed catching up with you and your parents over the last few days. It was great to have the opportunity to have a long over due catch up. If you have yet to receive a call, remember it is a private number that will appear on your screen and the call will be made during school hours.
Hopefully you are all making the most of this glorious weather and getting our for a walk or a run as often as you can. We hope that you are keeping up your GAA skills too so that when training for the Ballymun Kickhams returns your boots won't be too rusty! We received an email from the Fingal GAA League today which was an official confirmation of the cancellation of all matches. We all had high hopes and expectations this year for our two GAA teams. Ms. Greene had allowed us to purchase the very best of training equipment and two new state of the art set of jerseys. Unfortunately for the remainder of the school year, the jerseys and equipment wont get used but one thing we know for sure is that the GAA games will return.... stronger and better than ever! There is nothing more enjoyable than togging out for your school and club team. You will get that opportunity once again next year so don't let all them training sessions of the past go to waste! Grab a ball and get out there practising!
To keep you motivated and on track, once a week we are going to give you a GAA skills challange or task.
To kick start us off, we look to our very own James McCarthy (Ballymun Kickhams) for our first challange:
1) Toe- Tap Challenge- 30 Seconds
Rule: Alternate feet and hands for each toe-tap
Have a look at the video below to see how it's done then give it a go!!
Comment below to let us know how you got on!
Have a lovely day,
Ms. Cassidy and Ms. Farrell
*Don't forget to sign in below*