Good Morning Ladies 💜
Today I want you to think about what you are thankful for. It could be something big or small. It could be you are thankful for having good friends, a family who loves you, pets, safety, good health, technology. Let us know in the comments below what you are thankful for...
It was so lovely to get to speak to some of you during my phone calls yesterday. If your parent didn't receive a phone call we will be ringing again today and just a reminder that our phones will be on private number.
Remember to kindly ask your parents to check their emails for the invitation to our zoom meeting tomorrow. It may be in their junk/spam folder. It will be held tomorrow Friday 5th at 10.30am. Remember girls, you do not have permission to send or share details (Meeting ID & Password) to anyone even others girls in your class.
Remember we asked you to try and fill in page 5 in preparation for tomorrow's lesson. If you can't find the answers through your friends, siblings or the school website that is okay, we just ask that you make an effort to try and find out. Tomorrow we will be talking about the support network in your new secondary school and all the fabulous new subjects that are available to you! Myself and Ms. Cassidy are really looking forward to seeing our classes!
Missing you always,
Ms. Farrell & Ms. Cassidy
N.B Remember to 'sign in' during school hours:
8.50am - 2.30pm
Email address:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Padlet link:
Today I want you to think about what you are thankful for. It could be something big or small. It could be you are thankful for having good friends, a family who loves you, pets, safety, good health, technology. Let us know in the comments below what you are thankful for...
It was so lovely to get to speak to some of you during my phone calls yesterday. If your parent didn't receive a phone call we will be ringing again today and just a reminder that our phones will be on private number.
Remember to kindly ask your parents to check their emails for the invitation to our zoom meeting tomorrow. It may be in their junk/spam folder. It will be held tomorrow Friday 5th at 10.30am. Remember girls, you do not have permission to send or share details (Meeting ID & Password) to anyone even others girls in your class.
Remember we asked you to try and fill in page 5 in preparation for tomorrow's lesson. If you can't find the answers through your friends, siblings or the school website that is okay, we just ask that you make an effort to try and find out. Tomorrow we will be talking about the support network in your new secondary school and all the fabulous new subjects that are available to you! Myself and Ms. Cassidy are really looking forward to seeing our classes!
Missing you always,
Ms. Farrell & Ms. Cassidy
N.B Remember to 'sign in' during school hours:
8.50am - 2.30pm
Email address:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Padlet link: