Well it's another beautiful morning so I'm going to make sure I get working hard on my to-do list this morning so that I can spend the rest of the day enjoying that gorgeous sunshine. It's meant to be very hot today so if you're heading outside make sure you put your sun protection on 👍
Remember to kindly ask your parents to check their emails for the invitation to our zoom meeting tomorrow. It will be held tomorrow Friday 29th at 10.30am. Remember girls, you do not have permission to send or share details (Meeting ID & Password) to anyone even others girls in your class.
Myself and Ms. Cassidy are really looking forward to seeing all of you and starting our Mission Transition Programme. Could you please take a look at the first page of your booklet (you received in the post) and fill that in before tomorrow's zoom as this will save us time and we will be able to have more time to discuss it 😃 I have uploaded the page below in case you are confused.
Also be sure to take a look at Ms. Smith's lovely daily task for today in the Wellbeing section.
Missing you always,
Ms. Farrell & Ms. Cassidy
N.B Remember to 'sign in' during school hours:
8.50am - 2.30pm
Email address:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Padlet link:
expectations_page_1.pdf |