Good morning girls,
As I type this message, I'm getting ready to go to school to do food deliveries. I'm looking forward to meeting the girls I have on my delivery route and having our social distance chat!😀 Afterwards, I'm going to see my brother and his three boys for the first time since early March. So as you can imagine I'm very excited to catch up with them. I'm so thankful that I can now begin to see my family and friends once more. We still have to be careful and adhere to the guidelines as set out for us by the government e.g. keeping two metres apart, but it brings joy to my heart to think of all the emotional reunions that are taking place across the country between families and friends. 💖
Remember to kindly ask your parents to check their emails to our Zoom meeting tomorrow. It may be in their junk/spam folder. It will be held tomorrow Friday 12th at 10.30am. Remember girls, you do not have permission to send or share details (Meeting ID & Password) to anyone even other girls in your class.
Don't forget that we asked you to look over p.10 in preparation for tomorrow's lesson. If you can't find the answers through your friends, siblings, or the school website that is ok, we just ask that you make an effort to find out. Tomorrow we will be talking about the choice subjects that you can choose to study in secondary school and also the different after school clubs that you can get involved with.
Please set your⏰ alarm ⏰ today to be up on time and ready for your Zoom class tomorrow! We were disappointed by the low attendance last week. Although it is not mandatory to log in we do expect you to. If anything, with a little over two weeks left until you finish school everyone should be looking forward to spending quality time chatting to your friends and class teacher. It's only will take 40 minutes out of your day!
Have a great day girls,
Ms. Cassidy & Ms. Farrell
N.B. Remember to 'sign in' during school hours:
Email address:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Padlet link: