Happy Wednesday! Wasn’t yesterday evening lovely and warm. We hope you enjoyed it. Helloooo summer! We understand it is very difficult to concentrate on schoolwork at home during these warm days so just continue to do your best!
Have you any kindfulness stories to share with us?
How are you getting on with the daily tasks?
On my walk yesterday evening, I found the loveliest thing – I went to press the button on the traffic light pole to cross the road and guess what was there? A stone - painted a lovely bright yellow and it had the words ‘Be Kind’ painted on it in purple. And it made me think of kindfulness! And then we spotted more stones all along our route – 2 were painted like ladybirds. I think these are ‘good energy stones’ that are painted and put on pillars / walls to brighten your day! Have you done that? I’m going to paint one today and leave it out on a signpost in our estate when we go for our walk later – it might just cheer someone up when they see it!
Here’s today’s timetable! I’m excited about seeing what today’s daily task will be!
Timetable :
- Spellings
- E.I.P.
- Reading and reading activity ( What’s Mr. Fox up to today??)
- Mental Maths
- Maths : Counting work, then Busy at Maths work.
- Irish – see school website.
- Science – Where light comes from?
- Music – see school website.
- Religion : Prayers-Glory be to the Father, Mass responses, ‘The Loaves and the Fishes’ story on Twinkl.
- Check out the ‘Well-being’ section of the website. Under the ‘Daily Task’ you will find just that. Let us know how you are getting on with the tasks, we’d love to hear from you. You might decide to do the daily task instead of a different subject on the timetable and that is ok girls, just please try to get your English and maths done first!
Mind yourselves,
Ms. Callinan and Ms. Holden.