Good morning ladies!
Happy Friday and more importantly, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! We made it! Well done to you all!
So we have reached the end of 2nd class and it was Ms. Callinan’s and Ms. Holden’s pleasure to teach you all this past year! It was lovely getting to know you all and we had great fun. Do you remember our trip to the Botanic Gardens? What about Hallowe’en dress-up? The fun we had during the Christmas show! And those wonderful Interest Talks on the Marrogs! What is your favourite memory? You are a FANTASTIC bunch of girls and we wish you continued success!
We also wish you a very happy, healthy, safe, sunny summer! Have a good rest and mind yourselves and each other. We look forward to seeing you all this September hopefully and hearing all your news! We may even need to wear our high heels as no doubt you have grown taller than us!! ; )
‘Our Summer timetable’ : We hope you get to read some new interesting books this summer or you might even spend some time reading old favourites – a nice way to pass away a wet afternoon! Keep your maths eyes open and who knows what you might see in the summer environment! Read over (or you might have learnt them off by heart already! ) your Communion prayers and ‘Our Father’ prayer - everyday if you can ! We hope the sun shines often so that you can get out and play safely as much as you can – enjoy your skateboarding, cycling, rollerblading, scooting, swimming!! And as Ms. Greene said, don’t forget to put your books away in a special place as you will need them when we return to school in September to do some revision!
So it’s bye for now ladies! See you at the Zoom end of year assemblies – we can’t wait!!
Ms. Callinan and Ms. Holden.
Happy Friday and more importantly, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! We made it! Well done to you all!
So we have reached the end of 2nd class and it was Ms. Callinan’s and Ms. Holden’s pleasure to teach you all this past year! It was lovely getting to know you all and we had great fun. Do you remember our trip to the Botanic Gardens? What about Hallowe’en dress-up? The fun we had during the Christmas show! And those wonderful Interest Talks on the Marrogs! What is your favourite memory? You are a FANTASTIC bunch of girls and we wish you continued success!
We also wish you a very happy, healthy, safe, sunny summer! Have a good rest and mind yourselves and each other. We look forward to seeing you all this September hopefully and hearing all your news! We may even need to wear our high heels as no doubt you have grown taller than us!! ; )
‘Our Summer timetable’ : We hope you get to read some new interesting books this summer or you might even spend some time reading old favourites – a nice way to pass away a wet afternoon! Keep your maths eyes open and who knows what you might see in the summer environment! Read over (or you might have learnt them off by heart already! ) your Communion prayers and ‘Our Father’ prayer - everyday if you can ! We hope the sun shines often so that you can get out and play safely as much as you can – enjoy your skateboarding, cycling, rollerblading, scooting, swimming!! And as Ms. Greene said, don’t forget to put your books away in a special place as you will need them when we return to school in September to do some revision!
So it’s bye for now ladies! See you at the Zoom end of year assemblies – we can’t wait!!
Ms. Callinan and Ms. Holden.