Happy Monday!
How was your weekend? Wasn’t the sunshine lovely. Myself and Ms. Holden really enjoyed the fresh air this weekend – it certainly puts us both in a good mood and takes the worries away! Now this is a looooooooong post this morning, so :
- Today is a busy day. It is the 18th of May and our Taoiseach told us that on the 18th of May, a new plan begins that will allow us to see some more family / friends in a safe way. I bet you are all very excited about these new rules. There’s a little girl in Ms. Callinan’s house who cannot wait to see her nanas and grandads and play with them safely in her garden. While it has been so difficult for you not seeing family and friends, today is the day when hopefully we get closer to seeing each other soon. That’s put a big smile on our faces this morning and gives us something to look forward to.
- Today is also the day when we start a new plan of work for the next 2 weeks! Yippee!!
remember to just always do your best and that is always enough.
- Here is a timetable that you might like to follow and it will help to give your schoolwork some routine. Would you be an extra special superhero these 2 weeks and really try your best with your schoolwork and help your mammies and daddies teach you? After this, the month of June will be upon us and we will look forward to the summer holidays. So, let’s try and keep going with our work as best we can. We are so proud of you!! There are days when myself and Ms. Holden find it difficult to concentrate and then we read about all your hard work on the blog and we just want to do the best we can then, like you!
Timetable :
- Spellings
- E.I.P.
- Reading and reading activity ( A new book for us this fortnight – can’t wait to hear what you think of the story!)
- Mental Maths
- Maths : Counting work, then Busy at Maths work.
- Irish – on the website.
- History – Lesson on Heating homes long ago.
- Music – see website.
- Religion : prayers, mass responses, Communion workbook page on work plan.
- Check out the ‘Well-being’ section of the website. Under the ‘Daily Task’ you will find just that! Every day from now on, you will find a task that will, we hope, improve your well-being. We learnt this year how important that is. So, we hope you get a chance to look at it everyday and enjoy the tasks. Let us know how you are getting on with the tasks, we’d love to hear from you. Today’s task looks like just the thing for a rainy morning! You might decide to do the daily task instead of a different subject on the timetable and that is ok girls, just please try to get your English and maths done first!
Have a magic Monday!
Ms. Callinan and Ms. Holden.