Happy Friday!!
We hope you are all really well this morning, on the 1st of May. May is the month in which we celebrate Our Lady, Mary. Today is also a noteworthy day because our Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar, will make a special announcement this afternoon about how we can continue to stay safe over the next while. I know we all want to be back in school and playing with our friends but you have been amazing so far in keeping each other safe and well, so let’s keep it up and then we can see each other when it is safe to do so. We won’t get any work done because we’ll all be chatting so much!
This is also a bank holiday weekend, so if we were in school, we would have had no school this coming Monday. So for this reason, our next plan of work will start from next Tuesday. Again, you will find it in the ‘Enforced closures’ section of the website. Have a good rest this weekend and some fun and we hope you get lots of fresh air, safely, when the sun shines. And we will start our new work so next Tuesday. Don’t forget you can ask us questions in the comments section of the blog or just write a message to say hi or tell us your news! We love reading your comments everyday – they put a smile on our faces!
P.S. Check your postboxes next week, with permission of course! Ms. Holden and Ms. Callinan are posting a little something today to your homes and we really enjoyed this activity. It helped us feel connected to our great classes and we hope you like it! Just remember that the postmen and postwomen are incredibly busy at the moment. They are real heroes in our communities delivering post, news, gifts and messages to our homes. The post can take longer to arrive these days – Rebecca’s granny and aunty posted her some cards on the same day and only one has arrived so far! So, don’t worry if your postbox is empty the first day, it is on its way!
Mind yourselves and your families and we’ll talk to you next week!
Ms. Callinan and Ms. Holden.
P.P.S. This is today's roll call and Jackie will announce the BEST ATTENDANCE AWARD today. Good luck!
Please comment below with your FULL name once you have read this.