Good morning Zoomers!
I am so looking forward to seeing you all this morning on our Zoom Call!
Yesterday I spent all day in OLV and mainly in room 9. We were moving tables,measuring distances and generally sorting and cleaning.I felt I had done several workouts in a sauna between all the lifting,carrying and going up and down the stairs in that muggy heat !!
We had our lunch in the hall...all of us practicing social distancing sitting!! Ms Greene had ordered pizzas, they were delicious! It was great to actually see everybody again.. We were just interacting with each other on Zoom since the closure..just like with yourselves.
I hope you are all enjoying the daily activities and the reduced workload of course! Keep one eye on the Well Being activities too .As we heard on the last Zoomchat you will some that will become a daily practise.
See you later!
Ms. Bourke
Message from Ms O'Dea
Hi girls,
It's Zoom Day!! I can't wait to see you girls later.
It was so lovely to see all the teachers yesterday. It was funny having to queue to make a cup of tea outside the staff room though!! There was lots of cleaning and moving and clearing yesterday. I had 10,000 steps done in no time!!
I think that I have put up all the answers for EIP and MM that you girls have completed. I will check with you later on the Zoom call.
See you later girls,
Ms O'Dea