Good Morning Early Risers Out There!
It's 05:40 unnecessarily early morning for me!
The feedback for my artwork yesterday was such that I feel feel all poetic today.
A haiku is a poem that has 3 lines. There are 5 syllables in the first line,7 syllables in the second and 5 syllables in the third line. It doesn't even have to rhyme (which can be a great relief!)
Hair needs attention
Cut and colour excitement
New woman emerges.
Blog fans excitement
Ms Bourke daily reveals
All awake agog.
OLV silent
Awaits chatty girls return
August excitement.
C Bourke
I think we are in for some wet weather over the next few might feel like writing a Haiku if you can't go outside!
Have a good Wednesday,
Ms. Bourke
Message from Ms O'Dea
Good morning girls,
I hope you are all well. I think this could be the first morning that I have written this blog post that it is actually raining outside, which is amazing considering that we haven't seen each other in 3 months!
Girls there will be a Zoom call tomorrow, so please make sure if you did not get the Zoom log in details last week that you have agreed to the Zoom contract, and the details are all outlined in the email that your parents received a few weeks ago from Ms Greene. You will not receive the log in details unless you have agreed to the contract.
Make sure that you look at Ms Bourke's wonderful poetry!! Also Ms Haughton and Ms Cassidy have lovely activities that you could try today.
Have a lovely day,
Ms O'Dea