You made it to Friday, well done you!! Hopefully you have something nice planned for the weekend!
It was just so lovely to see some of you girls yesterday. It was great to hear how you were getting on. I also couldn't believe how tall you had got!! You are looking very grown up! Well when I was in school yesterday I went in to room 4. It was just so sad without you girls. The school is so quiet and eerie without all the wonderful people around. The school bell went off and I got such a fright I let out a little scream!! I'm looking forward to having a chat with Ms Bourke later to finish our planning for next week.
Girls stay safe over the weekend and talk soon,
Ms O'Dea
Happy Happy Friday Girls,
Looking at Ms O Dea's photo ...makes me want to rush back in to OLV and stand at the top of the stairs to say GOOD MORNING!! We just have to be patient a little longer! I will be in next week and will take a pic of Room 9!
AS Ms O Dea mentioned we will be chatting later to finalise plans for work for you all for the next two weeks and I can't wait to ask her who she met yesterday.!
Well you can put the books away today ...I have that FRIDAY FEELING myself too..and enjoy the weekend. I am going to have a Zoom dinner with some friends tonight..baked pasta with mushrooms and aubergine is on my menu. I haven't decided
dessert yet.Something with chocolate in it I think. On Saturday I will Zoom my sister and her family in Australia. She works in a school too so I am going to ask her what their plans are over there.
Whatever your plans are enjoy them ...and include some outdoors if you can!
Ms Bourke
yet.Something with choclate in it anyway.