Good morning girls! This is the last day for school work until next Tuesday.
So put those books away ! Have you noticed the birds singing these mornings?
I love birdsong but they drive my cats mad! Now that I am spending lots of time
indoors with them I realise how little they actually do. Everywhere I look they
are sleeping..usually where its warm and sunny! Are you getting to know your
animals better now you are spending time with them?
Have a lovely weekend!
Ms Bourke
Message from Ms O'Dea
Good morning girls!
Well done on getting to Friday, you have worked so hard and you should be very proud of yourself! This week has flown by and I really can't believe that it is the 1st May. I am really missing school and would love to be doing art this afternoon with you, listening to music and hearing you girls chat away.
This weekend is a Bank Holiday, so we haven't set any school work for Monday. Have you anything nice planned for the weekend? We are having a family game of Uno over the internet this weekend, it's great fun and everyone can join in. I'm going to bake some caramel slices also. I'll show you a picture next week!
Well done girls on signing in every day, you have been really good and hopefully Jackie will announce us as winners today!!
I have been inspired by Ms Haughton and am attaching a picture, how many squares can you see? Make sure to comment with your answers on the blog!!
Take care
Ms O'Dea
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Jackie will announce this week's winner today!
Write your full name and then press Submit.