Good morning girls! Wow , what a great day I had yesterday. I spoke to so many of you girls. Your mams and dads are so proud of the way you are able to organise yourselves every day and settle down to the schoolwork we post for you.I am so proud of you too girls. I was so impressed. Ms O Dea and I spend a good time thinking and planning what to post for you during these challenging times, and its really great to hear you all appreciate our work. I'm looking forward to talking to the rest of you over the next few days. I hope you all get out to enjoy the sunshine today.
Stay safe
Ms Bourke
Message from Ms O'Dea
Good morning girls,
Well it was just magic to talk to some of you yesterday. It was great to hear how hard you are working. I am so proud of you girls and you should be very proud of yourselves. It's not always easy this new way of schooling, but you girls are showing such incredible resilience and persistence. Keep it up!!
Well this weather is just putting a smile on my face! I was just out there this morning and it is just beautiful. Make sure you get out today and enjoy it.
Oh and I need to give you harder riddles, you're all right it is a towel!! Well done
Today's riddle is 'what answer can you never answer yes to?'
Stay safe
Ms O'Dea