See you all at 11:30am for your 6th Class Zoom Graduation!!!
Make sure you're ready and in the waiting room 5 mins before so you don't miss anything. The whole family is invited too! See you soon ladies 😃 Good morning girls,
We hope that you are all keeping well and are looking forward to your summer holidays tomorrow! It was wonderful to see you all yesterday. Although it was a brief encounter it was great to catch up and it gave us the opportunity to give you all your gift! We hope you all love your hoodies! A big thank you to Ms. Farrell who designed and collected them for you. They look fantastic so please wear them to show them off during our 6th Class Graduation Zoom call tomorrow at 11.30am. We will be joined by Ms. Greene and other class teachers to give you a big send off from OLV! In order for us to get through everything that we have planned can we ask you all to be set up and organised to log into the waiting room 5 minutes before we start. Remember to have your device set up in a quiet area so that you are not disturbed. If you have any questions or queries please drop us an email. We are in school today doing the last round of food deliveries so we might not be able to get back to you until we finish. [email protected] [email protected] Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow. Have a great day! Ms. Cassidy and Ms. Farrell Good morning girls, today is a very special day for us all!
We cannot wait to see you today! Make sure you read through the important points listed below so that you don't forget anything! Checklist: 1) Read at Home 2) Any class novels/readers you have borrowed from the school (including English groups) 3) Two secondary school passport forms (parent and student) Remember to... - Please arrive at the specific time slot you were assigned in your text from the school - Enter through the pedestrian gate like you would on a normal school day i.e. through the infant school yard into our yard - Maintain social distancing guidelines while waiting in the yard and entering the school - You will enter the school through the yard door beside the parent's room, Ms. Greene will be waiting at the door - Myself and Ms. Cassidy will be waiting to greet you in Room 1 and give you your belongings and gift (we really hope you like it!) - You will follow the arrows down the corridor and exit through the door beside Room 5 I came across the image below and it made me smile 😃 I know you may be going through some mixed emotions this week (don't worry we are too) but I think this image is a lovely reminder of nice phrases to remind us of the power of positivity! See you later girls, don't be late! Ms. Farrell & Ms. Cassidy Good morning to all our lovely 6th class girls, Can you believe that today is your last Tuesday as a pupil of OLV!? For today's task, I have uploaded onto our Padlet Page a special reflection task 'A letter to myself' for you to complete. Using this webpage you can write a letter to yourself which will be then emailed back to you! You can choose to send it to yourself in 1, 3 or 5 years! What should you write? Well you are all creative and talented authors but here are some suggestions if you stumble upon a 'writer's block': 1) Give advice What sort of an secondary student to you want to be? What skills and attributes that you have acquired in OLV do you want to take with you and continue to develop in 1st year? How can you remind yourself to stay true to what is important to you now? 2) Goals What are your goals for secondary school ?The more specific you are, the more likely you are to keep on adhere to them and keep on track. 3) Write about your mistakes and worries. What have you done wrong? What is your biggest regret? What causes you the most anxiety about your future? What can the future you do to help herself alleviate all her concerns and worries? 4) Tell about your joys. What makes you happy? What things excite you about going into secondary school ? What does your ideal school day look like? 5) Remind yourself about yourself. Who are the 5 most important people in your life, and why? What was your favourite book this year? How did it affect you? What are your interests? What do you believe in? Type up all of the above out and send it to yourself! It's that easy! Just imagine in a year's time reading back and realising that all your worries didn't come to pass and discovering how you have grown and developed as a teenager. Also you will come to learn that some things will not have changed as these are the special unique characteristics that make you.....YOU! Wednesday 24th June By now you will have all received a text from the school with a time slot for the collection of your graduation certificate and gift which takes place tomorrow. Please adhere to the 20 minute time frame that's been assigned to you. We have worked hard to put together a timetable to ensure that everyone can arrive and leave the school safely but we need everyone to adhere to social distance guidelines. As building works are taking place across the campus everyone will enter the school ground via the side pedestrian gate and make there way through the Infants yard into the girls' school yard. From there, keeping two metres apart from your peers you will wait until your name is called. You will then enter the school via the yard door beside the Parents Room and will be directed straight into Room 1 (Ms. Cassidy's Room). On entering the room you will be greeted by your class teacher who will show you where you can deposit you school books before collecting you gift bag. A one way system will be in operation where by on exiting Room 1 you will make your way down the hall to the exit door beside Room 5 (Ms. Holden's Room). When you exit the building you are to immediately leave the school grounds ASAP to ensure that your classmates are afforded the opportunity to enter and exit the school in a safe manner. Although our encounter will be brief one, we are both very excited to see you all again. We promise that you will LOVE your gift!! If you have any questions or queries please contact us via the comment section below or privately via email. Remember we are working in school this week so we will try to respond as soon as we possibly can. Have a lovely day girls, Ms. Cassidy and Ms. Farrell Email addresses: [email protected] [email protected] Padlet Link: Morning girls! I'm sure I don't need to remind you but it's your last week of primary school....EVER! It obviously isn't the way we would want to spend it with you but we are so looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday to collect your belongings. So remember to please gather the books and forms you need to bring with you so you aren't in a rush on Wednesday morning. I hope you all had a lovely weekend! Well done to all of you who attended our Zoom call last Friday, you were excellent girls! We will be having our final Zoom call this Friday at 11:30am - this will be a very special graduation edition! Make sure you check out Ms. Cassidy's music activity and Ms. Bourke's wellbeing task set for today! Have a great day and get in touch if you have any questions. We will be in the school today so we may not see your comment/email straight away but we will reply when we can. Missing you all, Ms. Farrell & Ms. Cassidy N.B Remember to 'sign in' during school hours: 8.50am - 2.30pm Email address: [email protected] [email protected] Padlet link: Good morning girls, 🎈Who has that 'Friday Feeling'?!🎈 As you all know today we have our class zoom call with Katie and Jennifer from Ballymun Anseo. We will be starting with a roll call at 10.30am sharp so please ensure that you are ready waiting to go with everything you need at least 5/10 minutes before we begin. Make sure you are in a quiet space where you won't be disturbed. Your camera must remain on for the duration of the call which is part of Ms. Greene's Zoom contract. During today's lesson, Katie and Jennifer will talk you through the organisational skills that you will use and further develop in 1st Year: -Morning routine, being prepared and ready for school day. -After school routine, organising time effectively to cover daily tasks e.g homework, hobbies, downtime. -Lockers and books, being prepared for class, time saving tips, organisational tips. Hopefully, if time allows, there will be enough time for you to ask them any questions on the above content that you might have. If you have one already, make sure to jot it down on a piece of paper so that we can get through as many questions as possible. Please remember to treat Katie and Jennifer with the same respect as you would do if they were visitors in our classrooms. N.B. Remember to get everything organised that was asked of you in the email Ms. Greene sent to your parents. Ms. Farrell posted up all the details in yesterday's 6th class blog post 'Thursday 18th June 2020'. We can't wait to see you all next Wednesday and if you have everything ready to hand over Ms. Greene, Ms. Farrell and I will be extremely grateful. Looking forward to seeing you all at 10.30am, Ms. Cassidy & Ms. Farrell Remember to 'Sign In' during school hours: 8.50am-2.30pm Email address: [email protected] [email protected] Happy Thursday Everyone 👋💛 We had a very busy day yesterday at OLV! All the staff were in to help rearrange rooms, clear rubbish and set out social distancing - it's a mind field! It was a day of a lot of heavy lifting so we were very tired going home yesterday. Myself and Ms. Cassidy really missed having you girls around to help us out, you are great at organising - another reason we will miss you all, you're such excellent helpers! Your parents got a very important email yesterday so make sure they check their mailboxes. It has some information about your graduation and confirmation. You will be coming into the school next Wednesday to collect your belongings and to collect a little something too! Unfortunately, there won't be any hugs and you will be sent an assigned time to arrive by text, but it will still be lovely to see you all in person! You're going to need to bring with you... 1) The class novel you borrowed: - Rm 6: Lily at Lissadell - Rm 1: The House on Hawthorn Road (Go find it today so you're not rummaging through your room on Wednesday morning 😉) 2) The two secondary school passports that you and your parents filled out (you received them with your mission transition booklet). We need to pass these documents onto your new schools. - Pupil form: - Parent form: We also have our second last Zoom call so please do your best to be there! Katie and Jennifer from Ballymun Anseo will be there to talk to you all about organising your lockers and making friends in secondary, not to be missed! So set your alarms and as always our meeting will start at 10:30am so be ready waiting at your device by at least 10:25am to be there in time for the rolla, we don't want to waste any time. We look forward to seeing you all, we're hoping for full attendance! Have a great day girls! Only 7 days left!! Missing all our brilliant 6th class girls, Ms. Farrell & Ms. Cassidy N.B Remember to 'sign in' during school hours: 8.50am - 2.30pm Email address: [email protected] [email protected] Padlet link: Hello to our lovely 6th class ladies, It's hard to believe that Wednesday has graced us with her presence once more! We are half way through our second last week! I know you are all working so hard but that finishing line is in sight so let's continue to give 100%! Remember, we only have 8 more school days left!🎈🎉 With that in mind, I have attached another Scrapbook worksheet below (and on our Padlet page) for you to do today. For this sheet, entitled 'Most Likely' you have to think back on you school life with your classmates in OLV GNS. You must give careful consideration and choose a person or people for each of the 'most likely' scenarios e.g. 'Most likely to become a YouTube sensation.' This activity is guaranteed to make you laugh and reminisce!😂 Today Ms. Farrell and I are working in the school all day as we have to get our classrooms ready for when we reopen. We cannot guarantee that we will have the opportunity to go online to reply to your comments below but we promise to reply to any questions, queries or emails first thing tomorrow morning. I hope you all have a lovely day. 🌸Ms. Cassidy & Ms. Farrell 🌸 N.B Remember to 'Sign In' during school hours: 8.50am-2.30pm Email address: [email protected] [email protected] Padlet Link: ![]()
Good morning girls! Once again, I hope you all had a lovely start to the week 💜 I managed to get out for a lovely long walk yesterday evening and catch up with friend I hadn't seen in months! The weather was just beautiful I hope we get to see some more sunshine today. Ms. O'Dea has a lovely wellbeing task for you involving audiobooks. I love audiobooks as you can rest your eyes and don't have to worry too much about pronouncing the words properly. It reminds me of being little again when I let my parents do the reading for me. Might be a nice idea to try to give yourself a break from the screen. I've definitely showed you this site before, but if you enjoy audiobooks here's a great site it has classic stories as well as originals. Ms. Fleming also has a lovely science task for you to do as part of our June block of activities. If you have siblings at home you could try it out together. As she says it would be great if you recorded it and sent it in to us. It may be the start of someone's acting, directing or scientific career. As you're all aware the countdown is now on....9 days left! Keep working hard girls and be the best you can be. Let's finish things the way we started. Ms. Cassidy and I are well aware of how wonderful each and every one of you are! Missing you all, have a lovely day! Ms. Farrell & Ms.Cassidy N.B Remember to 'sign in' during school hours: 8.50am - 2.30pm Email address: [email protected] [email protected] Padlet link: |
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