Today we said farewell to Carmel our wonderful cleaner who has worked in this school for over forty years!
Ms. Cassidy was very proud of Sarah and Anastacia who composed a great poem entitled "Goodbye Tension...Hello Pension" for Carmel and delivered it with style during her farewell ceremony.
Congratulations Carmel on your retirement. Room 7 wishes you tons of happiness in the years ahead!
Ms. Cassidy was very proud of Sarah and Anastacia who composed a great poem entitled "Goodbye Tension...Hello Pension" for Carmel and delivered it with style during her farewell ceremony.
Congratulations Carmel on your retirement. Room 7 wishes you tons of happiness in the years ahead!

Goodbye Tension...Hello Pension!
Now it’s time to say goodbye
We will miss you very much.
For all you do for us each day
You never once made a fuss!
You cleaned, you mopped day in day out
It was never a hassle to you.
You put a smile on everyone’s face
by simply being you!
You left the school spick and span
Even the windows, pots and pans!
You led your team through the halls
and never once went off the walls!
Oh how fast the years have gone by
Many a principal, teacher and pupil have passed your eye.
Going around room to room
With your smile, laugh and sweeping broom.
We thank you for all that you have done
It is very much appreciated.
Hang up your mop, lie back and rest
and remember in OLV
you will always be the best!
By Sarah Aboud
and Anastacia Caraman
(6th Class pupils of Our Lady of Victories Girls National School)